
Article 1: Establishment – Name

1.1 This here Constitution of the sports federation named the WORLD FEDERATION OF SELF DEFENCE, ARME BLANCHE & BODYGUARD (WFSAB), established on 20 December 2008 at Tehran, Iran and accredited by the foundation congress minute No. 01/2008, is hereby modified and amended in accordance to the resolution passed by the majority of the members present at the 1st General Body Meeting of the WFSAB held on 21st December at Tehran, Iran.

Article 2: Seat - Language - Seal - Tax Reg. NO. - Website - Email

2.1. The official seat (registered office) of the WFSAB is situated in the city of Tehran, Iran.
2.2. The official language for communication between members of WFSAB is English and the technical and arbitration rules for the sport have been prepared in English too.
2.3. The official seal of WFSAB is round, the border of which contains a two different color in green & red pattern with the centre being a representation of the Earth with an athlete with the especial action of sport in red color.
2.5 The WFSAB’s official website is

Article 3: Defenitions – Objectives

3.1. Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard is are martial arts developed in all around the world which evolved and became in new century as popular Martial Art styles, permitting those engaged in the sport to attain both intellectual and physical development.
3.2. Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard is the most complete and effective contact and combat sports using the various parts of the body to effectively accomplish various kicks, punches, blocks, throws and grabs and submission techniques and using various Arme Blanches on standing and ground positions.
3.3. Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Championships are organised so as to give an opportunity for each athlete to test him/her self at all levels of competition with the aim of ensuring personal development.
3.4. The WFSAB is a non-political, sports federation which does not discriminate in any way whatsoever on the grounds of race or religious beliefs and its main objectives are to:
a. Disseminate and develop the sport of SELF DEFENCE - ARME BLANCHE - BODYGUARD, by promoting and bolstering cordial relations between its member organisations and their members in all countries of the world.
b. Develop Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard in the spirit of amateur sports and in that way to contribute to the betterment of mankind.

Article 4: Continental Federations

4.1. In order to achieve its main objectives, the WFSAB shall establish recognized Continental Federations (continental sports federations), whose purpose shall be to provide (offer):
a. A general forum for debate on all Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard issues at a Continental level
b. A means for Organising Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Championships at a Continental level
c. Training methods in Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Techniques, to ensure technical development
d. Information about the WFSAB in continental-specific versions.

4.2. The WFSAB recognizes the following continental geographical locations for the purposes of organising and establishing Continental Federations of SELF DEFENCE - ARME BLANCHE - BODYGUARD:
a. Africa [including the entire continent of Africa west of the Red Sea and neighbouring islands.]
b. Asia [including the entire continent of Asia east of the Red Sea including the Middle East, the CIS Nations , Japan and the island nations of the Indian Ocean.]
c. Oceania [including the entire continent of Australia and the neighbouring island nations of the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean.]
d. Europe [including the entire continent of Europe as well as Turkey, Russia and the neighbouring island nations of the Mediterranean Sea.]
e. America [including the entire continent of North and South America and its neighbouring islands.]

4.3. Continental Federations are permitted to sanction the registration of National Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Federations in nations of their respective regions, either as full or as associate members, subject to their securing an official document evidencing the sanction and approval of such membership from the Executive Committee of the WFSAB

4.4. The Constitution of each Continental Federation shall be in English or translated into English and must be in strict conformity to the Constitution of the WFSAB itself. An attested English copy of the Constitution of each Federation shall be delivered to the Secretary General of the WFSAB Executive Committee for prior scrutiny and approval.

Article 5: Members

5.1. The WFSAB shall comprise of authorized representatives of member National Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Federations, having the necessary qualifications to be such members, as laid down in this Constitution and as stated in the General Rules of the WFSAB
5.2. National Federations shall autonomously manage all Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard activities in their respective countries and the intervention of any other national, public or private authority in their internal affairs is prohibited.
5.3. A country eligible for application to become a member of the WFSAB is hereby defined as any Nation, Territory or Colony having their own National Olympic Committee (NOC), which is duly recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
5.4. All member National Federations of the WFSAB shall be autonomous, Non - profit organizations and must be free of all professional involvement.
5.5. All National Federation must strive against and resist both passive acceptance and active implementation of any form of discrimination based the grounds of politics, race or religion.
5.6. The WFSAB shall accredit and recognize only one National Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Federation from each country. In order to acquire full membership, aspiring members shall undergo a two-year trial period as associate members and must demonstrate in this time that they:
a. Have held a national championship
b. Have held a national coaching seminar
c. Have held a national referee seminar
d. Have participated in a continental championship
e. Have participated in a world championship
f. Have constructed an official website and disseminated their activities.

5.7. The WFSAB may grant to any applicant National Federation / Association lacking the full requisite qualifications or being otherwise non-eligible for full membership, recognition as an “associate member”, subject to the following:
a. That Association is active in a geographical region as provided in the definition of country, as contained in Article 5.3 above.
b. The Association does not have an adequate number of members and representatives to become a National Federation in accordance with the criteria prescribed above for full national membership

5.8. Associate members may take part in all activities of the WFSAB but shall have no right to vote, nor the right to propose or second any motion at any WFSAB meeting.
5.9. Associate members who do not meet the requisites for becoming full members as cited in Article 5.6 above, may be removed from the WFSAB membership or be replaced by another , following the end of the two-year period for any justifiable reason by a resolution to this effect passed by the Executive Committee of the WFSAB
5.10. Full or Associate Members of the WFSAB may resign from their capacity as members by submitting notice in writing to that effect to the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the WFSAB
5.11. A National Federation may be removed from the list of recognized WFSAB members when it is found to have breached any decisions of the WFSAB or the WFSAB Constitution, the WFSAB General Rules or any decisions and resolutions of the United Nations or on the grounds cited in Articles 7.1.(e) and 12.6 hereof.
5.12. Honorary membership of WFSAB may be conferred on suitable persons elected by an ordinary majority of the WFSAB’s General Meeting but they will not have the right to vote, propose or second any motions.

Article 6: WFSAB Organizational Issue

6.1. Written Minutes of all meetings of the WFSAB and its administrative bodies and its Continental Federations shall be meticulously maintained the Secretary General.
a. The Secretary General shall issue copies of the above minutes to each member of the Executive Committee and to the National Federations.

6.2. The Activities of the WFSAB shall be carried out via the following Administrative Bodies/ Committees:
a. The General Body Meeting
b. The Executive Committee
c. The Technical Committee
d. The Referee Committee
e. Any other board or committee which may be established to better serve the purposes of the WFSAB as may be considered necessary.

Article 7: General Meeting

7.1. The General Meeting shall:
a. Elect members to posts in the Executive Committee and ratify its actions
b. Approve the WFSAB Constitution and any amendments to the same
c. Approve the WFSAB General Rules and any amendments to the same
d. Constitute the ultimate authority within WFSAB on any matter
e. Take action on issues of any National Federations and/or Continental Federations found to have breached the following:
1. The Constitution of the WFSAB
2. The General Rules of the WFSAB
3. The Referee Rules
4. Election of members to their Executive Committee using any procedures
Other than those stipulated in national constitutions approved by WFSAB
f. Be constituted by:
1. Full National Federation members (ordinary and proxy holders)
2. Members of the Executive Committee
3. Associate Members
4. Candidate Members
g. The minimum requisite quorum for the General Meeting shall be three members of the Executive Committee and 50% of members with voting rights.
h. Representatives of recognized National Federations who are the founding members of the WFSAB shall have two voting rights.
1. Any non-founding member National Federation which organizes a World Championship shall acquire an additional voting at the next General Meeting.
i. Representatives of full members are required to present written proof of their authorization to represent their Federation at the General Meeting signed by the Executive Committee of their National Federation, to the Secretary General of the WFSAB before the commencement of the Meeting.
j. The General Meeting shall be convened in principle once in every two years in conjunction with the World Championship at the same venue. The Championships as far as possible must rotate between the Continents and the countries therein
k. In the event that a scheduled World Championship is postponed, then accordingly the corresponding General Body Meeting shall also be postponed until such time as the next World Championship is organized.

l. An Extraordinary General Body Meeting may be convened by the President, subsequent to a request for the same made by:
1. A majority of the Members of the Executive Committee
2. At least 2/3 of the full members.
m. The Secretary General acting under the guidance of the Executive Committee shall prepare the Agenda for the sessions of the General Meeting. Should the Executive Committee be absent or unable to act, the President shall provide the necessary guidance to the Secretary General on the same.
n. Any National Federation wishing to submit points or issues for inclusion in the agenda of a session of the General Meeting should submit full details of the same to the Secretary General, at least 70 days prior to the scheduled date of the General Body Meeting.
o. A notice of the date and venue of the General Body Meeting as well as a copy of the agenda shall be dispatched by the Secretary General to all member National Federations, to the members of the Executive Committee and to all other concerned persons, 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the General Meeting.
p. The General Meeting shall elect members to posts in the Executive Committee and shall approve any amendments to the WFSAB Constitution, and to its Rules and Regulations. It reviews and ratifies the financial report and approves the annual report and annual budget. It shall consider recommendations from its committees and boards and shall raise questions if necessary. It shall review questions and decisions made by the Executive Committee of WFSAB as well as proposals made by Members and may ratify the same.
q. The General Body Meeting may, as a rule, examine only those items listed on the agenda, with the exception of any item in respect of which 2/3 of members present with voting rights, may additionally propose for discussion.
r. The General Meeting shall be chaired by the President of the Executive Committee of the WFSAB and in his absence by a Vice President chosen by ballot. Should the President and Vice Presidents be absent, the Meeting shall be chaired by any one of the members of the Executive Committee chosen by ballot.
s. All votes will be cast by show of voting cards, which shall be issued only to Members with voting rights by the Secretary General. All members – National Federations with voting rights shall have one vote each only, with the exception of the cases as cited in paragraph
7.1. Hereof. Members of the Executive Committee shall have no right to vote at the General Meeting unless so authorized by their respective National Federation’s Executive Committee .The President has the right to a casting vote in the case of a tie.
t. Members of the Executive Committee shall have no voting rights unless they present to the WFSAB Secretary General , written proof of this authority signed by the Executive Committee of their National Federation, prior to the commencement of the General Meeting.

Article 8: Exclusive Committee

8.1. The Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the E.C.) represents the WFSAB’s executive authority and shall discharge its duties in the following ways:
a. Between sessions of the General Body Meeting it shall assume full responsibility and absolute jurisdiction in all Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard matters on behalf of the WFSAB
b. All resolutions and actions of the E.C. are subject to subsequent ratification at the General Meeting.
c. The members elected to posts in the E.C. of the WFSAB must not derive any direct or indirect personal or professional gain or loss from the business world of SELF DEFENCE - ARME BLANCHE - BODYGUARD. This article does not apply to Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Coaches who earn money by teaching in Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard gymnasiums.

d. The Executive Committee shall comprise of Members elected to the following posts of Office:
The President
The Vice President – Chairman of the Technical Committee
The Vice President – Chairman of the Referee Committee
The Secretary General
The Treasurer

e. Members elected to posts in the E.C. by the General Body Meeting shall hold office for a period of 4 years only. After which they may offer their candidacy for re-election, without the requisite written candidacy papers submitted by their National Federation. In cases of resignation of a member of the E.C., the vacant position shall be filled by a substitute candidate elected by majority of the E.C. members.
f. The E.C. shall meet twice a year or more frequently if circumstances so dictate. Meetings shall be convened on the orders of the President or by the Secretary General, on a request lodged by two or more members, by giving adequate prior and the agenda for the same to all E.C. members.
g. The minimum quorum for a meeting of the E.C. shall be three members.
h. Voting on any issued by the E.C. shall be decided by a simple majority and each member shall have one vote only, with the exception of the President who may cast a second vote in cases of a tie.
i. The President shall chair all meetings of the E.C. In cases where the President is absent, a draw will define which member of the E.C. shall chair the meeting.
j. The Secretary General shall be responsible for the day to day administrative and bureaucratic activities of the WFSAB and shall generally correspond with members and with third parties. On a request from the Secretary General, the President shall appoint a Special Secretary (with no voting rights) who in all likelihood will be resident in the same city as the Secretary General.

Article 9: Books and Records

9.1. The WFSAB shall keep the books and records as required by the sports law of Iran, attested and signed by an official public authority. These include:
a. The Members Register
b. Minutes of the General Meetings
c. Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings
d. Income - Expenses Books
e. Register of Assets
f. Register of incoming and outgoing documents.

Article 10: Technical Committee

10.1. The Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to as the TC) is constituted to develop and disseminate Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard Techniques and to promote the sport of Self Defence, Arme Blanche & Bodyguard and its work shall be implemented via recommendatory reports and suggestions made to the Executive Committee
a. The TC shall consist of:
1. 5 Technical Officers
2. One Representative for every Member-National Federation.
b. Highly Qualified Technical Officers of the Technical Committee shall be directly appointed by the E.C. to occupy the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary and Executive Directors). Representatives of every other Member Federations shall be designated as Executive Members and shall remain in office until so released by the E.C. or they resign in person.
c. Meetings of the TC shall be conducted at the venue of the World Championship but on a date different than that of the General Meeting session. An extraordinary meeting of the TC may be convened on instructions from the E.C.
d. Meetings of the TC shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman. Should both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be absent, the meeting shall be chaired by one of the Officers chosen by ballot.
e. Voting shall be conducted by the TC by a simple majority of the representatives of Members - National Federations present and entitled to vote. The Chairman and Officers of the TC shall have no voting rights unless they hold the authority to represent their National Federation. The Chairman has the right to cast an additional vote in the case of a tie only.
f. The TC shall have a quorum when three of its five Technical Officers are present along with 50% of the representatives of Members- National Federations.

Article 11: The Referee Committee

11.1. The Referee Committee (hereinafter referred to as the RC) shall be responsible for ensuring a very high level of arbitration and uniform interpretation and implementation of the Referee Rules and its work shall be implemented via recommendatory reports and suggestions made to the E.C..
a. The RC shall consist of:
1. 5 Referee Officers
2. One Representative for every Member-National Federation.
b. Highly Qualified Referee Officers shall be directly appointed by the E.C. to fill the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary and Executive Directors. Representatives of every other Member Federations shall be designated as Executive Members and shall remain in office until so released by the E.C. Or they resign in person.
c. Meetings of the RC shall coincide in terms of date and location with the World Championship but on a date different than that of the General Meeting session. An extraordinary meeting of the RC may be convened on instructions from the E.C.
d. Meetings of the RC shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman. Should both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, be absent, the meeting shall be chaired by one of the Referee Officers chosen by ballot.
e. Voting shall be conducted by the RC by a simple majority of the representatives of members - National Federations present and entitled to vote. The Chairman and Officers of the TC shall have no voting rights unless they hold the authority to represent their National Federation. The Chairman has the right to cast an additional vote in the case of a tie only.
f. The RC shall have a quorum when three of its five Referee Officers are present and 50% of the representatives of Members- National Federations.
g. Members of the E.C. or RC may participate in the various committees but shall not be entitled to be active Referee at the same time.

Article 12: Financial Issues

12.1. The financial year of the WFSAB shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

12.2. The Treasurer shall draft:
a. An report on the income accrued and expenses incurred for the period between General Meeting sessions.
b. A budget with the income and expenses to be accrued/incurred up until the next General Meeting session.
c. The report and budget should be approved first by the E.C. and then ratified by the General Body Meeting.

12.3. The Treasurer shall keep a register of accounts and shall justify the entries made in them. The Books of accounts shall be subjected to a professionally conducted accounting audit, each year before delivering them to the General Meeting for inspection.

12.4. At each General Meeting a Financial Committee shall be appointed which shall inspect the WFSAB’s finances. It shall consist of three members who are not members of the E.C. This Committee shall review the activities of the Treasurer and inform the General Body Meeting accordingly.

12.5. Each Member – National Federation shall pay to the Treasurer of the WFSAB on or before the date on which their full or associate membership is approved, an annual membership subscription fee amount, which shall be as determined by the E.C. and approved by the General Meeting.
a. Any National Federation which does not abide by this membership subscription fee payment date, may attend the General Meeting as an observer only and may not be permitted the right to vote.
b. Any WFSAB athlete who may have violated their membership subscription payment rule shall be permitted to take part in any WFSAB competitions only after they have settled their outstanding dues in full.

12.6. A full or associate member who for two successive years has violated the membership subscription payment rule shall automatically be removed from the WFSAB members list.

12.7. The President of the WFSAB is the sole authority to receive and collect payments from all member countries, to operate all bank and other monetary accounts of the Federation, to withdraw and remit payments for and on behalf of the WFSAPA and to sign all writs of payment for WFSAB, and he /she shall make notification of such action, within 24 hours along with the necessary documents to the Treasurer and the Secretary General of the WFSAB.

Article 13: General Rules

13.1. By an ordinary majority vote of the representatives of full members, the WFSAB shall approve the WFSAB General Rules which is an integral part of the Constitution and shall regulate issues such as those cited below:
a. Organizational matters
b. Competition-related matters
c. Technical issues
d. Referee, Judging and Arbitration issues
e. Protests and Objections, etc. so as to best serve the needs of the WFSAB and to facilitate the task of the National Federations and the Continental Federations.

13.2. The General Rules shall constitute an integral part of this Constitution.

Article 14: Winding Up

14.1. The WFSAB may be wound up following a decision taken by a 2/3 majority of the full Members at an Extraordinary General Body Meeting.
14.2. Should the WFSAB be wound up, it shall be placed in liquidation by the Court of Tehran, Iran.
14.3. Following the end of liquidation, any assets that remain shall devolve to the Hellenic Secretariat General for Sport. Subsequent to the winding up no assets shall be distributed among members.

Article 15: Supplementary Provisions in Effect

15.1. All matters not regulated by this Constitution or the General Rules or which are found to be ambiguous, shall be regulated by the relevant provisions of WORLD law and by the decisions of the General Body Meeting.

Article 16: Final Provisions

16.1. This Constitution as presented herewith has been approved by the Majority of Full Members present at the 1st General Body Meeting of the WFSAB held at Tehran, Iran on the 21st December 2008